A fresh and highly original new version of the Snow White story which sticks to a traditional pantomime format while at the same time featuring lots of very snappy dialogue and comedy sketches which bring the show bang up to date. Plenty of villains to boo and heroes to cheer. The kids will love the mad and messy flower-watering scene and they’ll scream their way through the dancing vampire bats and creepy skeleton ballet. Plus, Dame Daisy’s hilarious fortune telling routine and a very silly tutorial on how to talk like a cockney. Not forgetting the queen’s magic mirror, which is the cheekiest spirit you’ve ever heard.
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Queen Griselda – An evil queen
Snow White – Griselda’s step-daughter
Dame Daisy Maisy – the Panto Dame
Hugh Humperdinck – Dame Daisy’s son
Prince Harry – a handsome prince
Stubble – Griselda’s henchman
The Mirror – a powerful spirit
Brainy – the clever one
Grouchy – the grumpy one
Flaky – the cowardly one
Mouthy – the loud one
Witless – the not very bright one
Listless – the lazy one
Keith – the one called Keith.
Plus, a chorus of villagers, children, palace guards, vampire bats, skeletons and spirits.
Scene 1 – The Town Square
Scene 2 – A clearing in the woods
Scene 3 – The Queen’s Apartment
Scene 4 – Dame Daisy Maisy’s Flower Shop.
Scene 5 – The Palace Garden
Scene 6 – A clearing in the woods
Scene 7 – The Magic Forest.
Scene 1 – The Miners’ Cottage
Scene 2 – The Palace Dungeon
Scene 3 – A clearing in the woods
Scene 4 – The Miners’ Cottage
Scene 5 – The Palace Garden